Dalia Clutch Plate RepairingDesigned By Jigar B PatelHome | Product | Gallery | About Clutch | Contact us | Site MapEicer 11.10 its has new arrival product ,most demand in public area or industrial zone so Eicer plate its must use of engineer.Pressure Plates are Most Important Product Working with your clutch plate, it is main chember part to work and pull up your truck go ahed.Pressure & clutch plate kit are most useful product use in both product are damaged in gear box so its a new combo pack demand in market.Eicer Launched New Plates...About Pressure PlatePressure & Cluth Plate kitIntroduce Dalia Clutch Plate Repairing CompanyWelcome To Dalia Clutch PlateDalia clutch Plate Repairing Company is a just Service your old clutch plate replacing a new cluth plate or repair your own plate with new different facing which one you have select type of facing.Pressure Plates are Most Important Product Working with your clutch plate, it is main chember part to work and pull up your truck go ahed.Pressure & clutch plate kit are most useful product use in both product are damaged in gear box so its a new combo pack demand in market.Six pad clutch plate its a new generation type clutch plates so its use in Heavy weighted dumper and cranes etc..... Type of plates